Tomorrow, July 23rd is Freshman Day at MHS!! Beginning at 9:00, stop by the chorus table to sign up for Chorus and take home your chorus shirt. Welcome, Class of 2025!
When planning for the upcoming year, it is so important to reflect, assess, dream, then set goals. Well, right now I'm in planning mode and thanks to this unusually quiet summer, I'm afforded the time to actually stop and give proper focus to reflection and contemplation as I plot our journey for moving ahead. Thinking back to the last of school for students, which was not quite one month ago, I realize how incredible It is that in five short weeks bonds were made, trust was built, and seeds of excitement for the future were sewn. MHS choruses and piano classes, thank you for making my start such a lovely one. Enjoy the rest of your summer and I’ll see you soon!
January 2025