October 10th:
Test location: Woodlawn Beach Middle School: 1500 Woodlawn Way, Gulf Breeze, FL. Individual audition times were messaged to each student 09/28. 4:30-4:45 -Students arrive with original sheet music, pencil, and bottle of water. Students and parents report to cafeteria (205). Signs will be clearly marking the cafeteria. 5:00PM- Final excerpts will be announced (they will not be announced a second time; we're not allowed). 5:30- Auditions begin. Parents can park on the bus ramp, or in the parking lot on the North side of the school. The Main entrance will be locked - only the double doors by the bus ramp will be open (marked with "Entrance" and an arrow in pen). After all excerpts are announced, each test will be played once for students. It is common practice for students to gather close to the listening area (the stage) to do this, but not required. Once excerpts are announced, students should expect to stay in the cafeteria until they are called, with the only exception being bathroom. The schedule is a loose guideline - it is entirely possible that we end up running behind as we work out the kinks with technology. After testing: After a student has finished testing, they are not free to leave. They need to report back to the cafeteria, and once their audition has been received and vetted by the District Chair, the student will be allowed to go home. If a student leaves early and the audition has a problem, there's nothing we can do. No re-records, no later test dates. As we will have well over 100 students in the cafeteria attempting to practice, FVA strongly recommends that parents wait in the hallway, and that they bring something to occupy themselves (a book, tablet, laptop). Only parents who have filled out an FSMA form (see your director) should be present in the cafeteria with students). Please discourage your student from coming to see you unless in the case of emergencies...if we call their name and they're not present, we can't hold auditions. Additionally, please make all efforts to keep volume down in the hallways. These brick walls are not as thick as they look. If you are creating excessive noise/distractions from the audition process, you will be invited to leave. A member of SRCPD will be present. Students need to bring: 1) Their music: ORIGINALS only, no photocopies (photocopies are grounds for disqualification). 2) Pencils 3) Water 4) (not required, but recommended) Paper clips or binder clips to help mark their music. 5) (not required, but recommended) A device with practice tracks WITH EARBUDS - no free-playing music, please. VQ Choral Tracks: