2023-2024 Candidates for Uniform Guru
Jaden Brock (12)
Elizabeth Ellis (10)
Halle Sterling (12)
Paige Stokes (11)
Kali Vernon (11)
Elizabeth Ellis (10)
Halle Sterling (12)
Paige Stokes (11)
Kali Vernon (11)
Describe a positive high school role model. What qualities would they possess?
Jaden Brock (12) A positive high school role model is someone who keeps a positive attitude and obtains the necessary knowledge to better help and maintain the positive and reassuring atmosphere.
Elizabeth Ellis (10) They would be kind, hardworking, honest, and would encourage rather than criticize. They would set a good example by doing as they expect of others. They would bring a positive image to chorus inside and outside of the classroom.
Halle Sterling (12): One of my top high school roll models would have to be my English teacher Mrs. Brewer. She possesses the abilities of patience, understanding, and problem solving. I believe these qualities are absolutely needed as a leader. There are times where things can get very complicated and confusing; therefore, everyone needs help and without patience chaos will ensue. You need to be able to explain properly and possibly multiple times for someone to understand since everyone processes things differently. Understanding is also needed as I think you need to be able to get every side of anything to be fair and equal. Not everyone can come from the same background or have the same process or speed of processing. Problem solving is also what I believe is required. Not everything will work out perfectly and being able to work around and or solve issues helps relax not just you but your team. There will always be issues; being able to help anchor and resolve is necessary to any role. Especially when running something such as a chorus, having someone to go to with qualities such as these is what helps run anything, and makes them fit to be a leader.
Kali Vernon (11): A positive high school role model is someone that people can look up to and be inspired by constantly. It’s someone who is always uplifting and kind no matter what to everyone and can make good rational decisions always whatever the situation may be.
If elected, what do you as a leader bring to this position that will help to promote growth in the students around you?
Jaden Brock (12)I love being able to help and guide people in the right direction, while being a reassurance.
Elizabeth Ellis (10) I would encourage, and do my best to answer anyone's questions, just like the officers this year have helped me. I would do my best to keep things organized and clear.
Halle Sterling (12): I believe I can help grow this program and grow the people in it. A very wise mentor of mine had brought and idea of choosing a word and working towards that goal. My word for the chorus would be to outreach. I want to show and invite everyone to our family. As well as, I believe we can reach out in our community and to anyone in such a personal way through our chorus. Our chorus is a unit with no end in sight and we can change so much more than just our school. We are something to be proud of and I want everyone to see and only have positive things to say about us. We help heal others and pick up anyone when they think there is no more for them, we go out and help our community and the communities around us, and just so much more.
Kali Vernon (11) If elected, as a leader, I would bring positivity, patience, respect, good energy, and a positive role model for all the students around me to this position. Someone constantly being positive, uplifting, and kind makes all the difference in a person especially if they are a leadership figure to them.
If elected, how will you organize recruiting efforts?
Jaden Brock (12)I love being able to help and guide people in the right direction, while being a reassurance.
Elizabeth Ellis (10) I would encourage, and do my best to answer anyone's questions, just like the officers this year have helped me. I would do my best to keep things organized and clear.
Halle Sterling (12) I would love to go to our middle schools around us and show them what we are and what we do. I would love to be able to preform for our communities and show everyone that anyone can do it. I also want to promote around the school whether it be posters, MTV, or a Chorus day where we invite everyone interested to come see us just like we do for band. I would also like to promote out on social media for those chronically on phones so they aren't left out either.
Kali Vernon (11) If elected, as a leader, I would bring positivity, patience, respect, good energy, and a positive role model for all the students around me to this position. Someone constantly being positive, uplifting, and kind makes all the difference in a person especially if they are a leadership figure to them.
If elected, how will you organize recruiting efforts?
Jaden Brock (12)I love being able to help and guide people in the right direction, while being a reassurance.
Elizabeth Ellis (10) I would encourage, and do my best to answer anyone's questions, just like the officers this year have helped me. I would do my best to keep things organized and clear.
Halle Sterling (12) I would love to go to our middle schools around us and show them what we are and what we do. I would love to be able to preform for our communities and show everyone that anyone can do it. I also want to promote around the school whether it be posters, MTV, or a Chorus day where we invite everyone interested to come see us just like we do for band. I would also like to promote out on social media for those chronically on phones so they aren't left out either.
Kali Vernon (11) If elected, as a leader, I would bring positivity, patience, respect, good energy, and a positive role model for all the students around me to this position. Someone constantly being positive, uplifting, and kind makes all the difference in a person especially if they are a leadership figure to them.
What are some issues within chorus that you feel need to be addressed and how do you feel would be the most beneficial way to address them?
Jaden Brock (12) I think in the beginning of the year we should reinforce that being one big group instead of smaller ones (like cliques) helps so much with progress and confidence. Getting close to people in your class helps you soar and want to be a better musician and singer.
Elizabeth Ellis (10) I feel there is a lack of communication between the choirs, which makes it harder to address issues as a whole chorus. We only have two or three whole-chorus rehearsals a year, so having at least some method of communication, even if just a group chat for occasional texts would be lovely.
Shay Gates (12) I see no issues at the moment, but if one were to come up I would first address it with Mrs. White-Rider, then talk to the other officers to come up with a positive way to address the situation
Gabbi Overend (12) The constant talking when Mrs. White talks, I would make sure everyone comes in ready for the day and quiet so when you are ready we can start, making sure everyone is singing and doing kodaly.
Halle Sterling (12): I feel like there is a bit of a disconnect between classes. I would love to have weekends where we all as a unit spend time doing something together like a bonding activity. Such as, going out and helping set up a community effort (such as a food drive), simply going to the beach together, spending time at a meeting place working on songs, do a yard sale, or really any team building activities.
Kali Vernon (11) Some issues within Chorus that I believe need to be addressed are having things like student conductors, section leaders, and monthly after school rehearsals. I feel like these two things would benefit the chorus greatly and help so much especially since our chorus is split into 3 classes. I feel like the most beneficial way to address these situations would be to ask people if they would like to hold positions such as student conductors and section leaders, and to talk to you about the after school rehearsals.